Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Shrinking World

My world continues to shrink and I could not be happier.

I read a book and in the book a poem is referenced. The poem is written by Robert Burns (yippee) and it is titled "Sweet Afton". My family helped to settle a place called Afton, Wyoming and I have come to learn that these hearty Scots named the valley after the place they had emigrated from in Scotland.

I read a book that was enjoyed by one of my students. In the book is Christopher Wren, as a young medical student. I have been meaning to move a study of Mr. Wren from the back burner to the front ever since my trip to the UK when I learned that the church of my ancestors, who came from London, was a Wren design. Suddenly he is coming to life on the pages of this novel and I have to go in search of him and he is now on my obsession list.

I have been asked to work on the Easter advent for the woman's organization at church. We all tend to have an advent period before Christmas, but we also need, perhaps even more, to prepare ourselves for celebrating Easter. I immediately thought of the African-American spiritual "There is a Balm in Gilead". So I will be preparing the women to sing this number in the future and will be using these words in our advent thoughts. The term "balm of Gilead" comes from Jeremiah so I have been studying that book of scripture. And then I get asked to speak in our sacrament meeting this week, last minute. Guess what the scripture reference that I have been asked to speak on? Yep, Jeremiah.

Even very small and silly things, like having a certain novel come up on my suggestion page on my Nook as a book that is available for a greatly discounted price. And that book, while a novel, is dealing with the very point in English history that I was trying to find more information about and the author of this novel gives good references.

I could go on and on but I have likely already lost my audience already. I have written before about connections and how I love to see them in my life, but I just wanted to get down, for the record, a few more examples of the power of providence and connection.


  1. That particular line from "The Raven" was one that you had to educate me on; while I was raised steeped in the culture of having rich Jewish heritage, we were not religious, and I was not familiar with the scripture until you described it to me. As such, I felt compelled to comment. There are so many hidden connections in this world, and I love reading how you describe them. :)

  2. Where is the "Like" button? I have had such "coincidences" happen in my life, too.
