Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Journaling is also humorous!

I was reading in one of my really old journals yesterday and I came across an entry that I wrote that made me laugh. It had to do with a good friend who was a guy (and a wee bit protective) and whose roommate I found attractive. I asked him if he would set me up with said roommate and he just kept avoiding the idea and acting strange. I pushed and teased until he finally exploded and said "This guy is the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen when it comes to brushing his teeth. There is no way to even explain it, it is like nothing you can even imagine. There is no way that I am taking a chance on letting that mouth ever come near your mouth." Oh my goodness!! How can one even argue with that outburst. So...I never went out the roommate, but I have often thought about that guy and if he ever got married and if his poor wife has gone through hell all of these years because of his tooth care practices.

Why do I even write this post? Because I am so often PUSHING for people to journal and it is mostly for really intense reasons and because of desperate needs in their lives, but journaling is also just plain fun. And looking back on one's journal can be just plain enjoyable as well as fulfilling. Please write. Be it in whatever form you need, please just get some of your life history down.

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