Sunday, June 3, 2018

Managing technology

On a recent trip to Florida I had an experience that really caused me to think. I was so caught up in getting photos of flowers and a variety of things that I missed a really wonderful moment. It took my breath away and really opened my eyes and I have been thinking and pondering on this ever since. I have set a new goal for myself, and I would invite others to consider trying the same thing. I will be working to make sure that I have truly caught an image in my brain and recorded it there and acknowledged the feelings I am feeling before I work to catch anything on camera. And, I am making it all about me, not about sharing with others! Yep, in this instance I think it is okay to be selfish and self-centered.

This is the photo that I was trying to get when I had my epiphany. I wanted this photo because I wanted to write a blog post about how the gardenia and its magical scent goes through stages and the aging flower still smells wonderful but in a different, spicier way. I want to see myself as that aging gardenia, still having something positive to share, but different than the new, young flowers out there.  I still have something to offer, especially as a teacher of young people. But the writing of the blog post and the capturing of the photo should not have taken precedence over the powerful jolt I got from the spirit in that moment. I should have stopped and really meditated on that rather than on getting the perfect photo for a blog post (this is one of several shots...)

Sunday evening, the leader of our church, the man I consider a modern day prophet, gave a challenge to the youth of our faith to take a seven day fast from social media. And after the seven days to make an assessment of what they missed, what relief they found, etc. As a teacher of youth, I feel the need to take on this same challenge. I have been posting "Unplug Every Day Challenges" on my Facebook wall and I will refrain from even that for one week as I truly work to unplug! (Except for posting Kodren's update tomorrow, I will still be doing that!)

I will report back in seven days and let you know what withdrawal/misery/joy/relief/peace I experience along the way. Thanks for reading! I love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be looking forward to hearing your discoveries.
