Thursday, November 7, 2013

The voice of God

I have spoken many times of the fact that I hear God's voice in the pounding of the surf. But I sense something more in this time at the beach. It is the roar of the ocean, that roar that is ever present and when there is that momentary lull in the pounding of the surf, there is still that roar. That is a constant and it is powerful and yet still all that the same time. It is less of a noise and more of a presence that one feels more than one hears. It simply IS. THAT is what I really loved in what I have felt at this time at the beach. As I stood there this morning, my "special" scriptures suddenly washed over me and filled my mind. The scriptures in the last few chapters of Job, beginning with chapter 37 all began to dance through my brain. It was glorious. It was as though I was hearing the voice of the deep speak scripture to me. And as those scriptures began to make their way through my head, one stuck, Job 41:31, "He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment." And then He offered me the gift of truth that I really needed, desperately needed. All things, through God, can be a salve. All things can be an ointment of healing and power. The sea is that for me. I am healed of some basic ills from my time here. I cannot have this place all the time, but there is an entire earth and creation that contain His voice and I need to just use the holy spirit to make certain that I am hearing, or feeling that roar in whatever part of creation I am currently standing in. I know that it is available. It is up to me to hear/feel it.

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