Friday, June 25, 2010

I do not know how to begin to blog

Here I am. I yell at my students constantly to write and to journal and to record. And I do not have a blasted thing to say here.

I did go fishing today with Malachi and Seviah. It was great! I mean, not the fishing part, Seviah lost interest in that pretty quickly, but the sitting on the rock by the river was fantastic. I will try to post one of the great photos that Seviah took. But no promises, this is hard!!


  1. So what "river" was it? As if Colorado had rivers, especially in the mountains. We don't even name ones that small. And post pictures. That is, if you can figure it out. Ha!

  2. Well, you could try and help me, Brian. Instead of trashing both my state, my rivers and my technical abilities. Sheesh. It was the North Fork of the South Platte, to be precise.
