Sunday, July 13, 2014

Until she wears out

There have been so many powerful experiences in the past week that I need to just sit at this computer and write for hours to make certain that I capture everything before it begins to fade. But all of these great new insights and awe-ha's (Michayla's spelling and I love it) have worn me out. And I do not think that this is an accident. Today as I was leaving church, I watched my friend Jennifer take her wobbly one year old, Lexi, by the hand and walk with her from the far corner of the building clear out and across to the far end of the opposite parking lot. I was walking behind her, watching her adorable chubby little legs desperately try to keep up with mom and not fall down and just be a big girl. (Most of you don't know Lexi, but she really is a spitfire and wants to be as big as possible as soon as possible…kinda like her mom was as a girl…) I almost said something to Jennifer about being a brilliant mom because that long walk is gonna wear Lexi out and there will be a bit of peace and quiet for awhile for mom. Then it struck me. That is exactly what God did to me this week. He stuck his finger out and let me hold on and take my bowlegged, wobbly steps and see some great new sights and learn a few new things and remember a few old, important truths. And he took me the long way round and, boy oh boy, did he ever wear me out. And now, I can picture him kicking back and saying, "Whew, I wore her out for at least a few minutes and now maybe I can get some peace and quiet without her asking a million questions about a million things and begging help for a million people." Okay, maybe not in those words, but I think he is hoping for a breather from my endless curiosity. I am also seeing that I am like our new little puppy. Sometimes you just want to throw that chew toy REALLY far in hopes that she will take a bit more time retrieving it and bringing it back to you and then proceeding to chew on everything else but the chew toy. God would appreciate it if I would just chew on the, quite meaty, bones that are already sitting in front of me instead of running around trying to find more. But…I know he loves me and I also know that all of these questions and queries are part of spiritual gifts that he gave me and so I do not plan to give him much of a breather.

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