Wednesday, January 9, 2019


I love cardinals. I come from a family that loves cardinals for a special reason. My great grandparents had a special cardinal light up ornament that was and is a part of our family lore. My cousin Cindy wrote about it in the following poem.

Christmas 1975
By Cindy Harmon Nield

I have been in this family for approximately forty years. You know, the Esse and Estella Harmon family.

I’m a little, red bird and I have a little, red light inside of me. Esse picked me up in Montpelier, Idaho while he was on one of his trips with the horses and sleigh just before Christmas. Estella was very pleased with me and put me right on the tree. I’ve been on their Christmas tree every year since and I’ve never burnt out. Never once have I had my bulb changed. I became a tradition. The families all got very excited over whether or not I would come on.

But things were a little different this year. I came on the first night and saw Estella but not Esse. I burned brightly – just waiting for him to walk in. He never came and somehow I knew he wasn’t coming back.

The next night Estella went to plug in the lights. I tried to come on – honestly I did, but without Esse, there was just no use.

Every year we read this on Christmas Eve as a family. And every year I add a few more cardinals to my collection. But the cardinal has begun to be of critical importance to me beyond Christmas. I had a powerful experience at my beloved Bok Tower Gardens this past year, on two separate occasions, that helped me to understand just how powerful a symbol this bird is in my life. And for Christmas this year my daughter wrote me a poem that increases its power for me, reminding me in her beautiful language that the cardinal is the symbol that someone from heaven is looking over you.

The “Cardinal Rule.”

When all things began, and all was created
The Father called me and said, “you are sacred.”

He whispered to me in that heavenly voice,
That things would be hard down on earth with free choice.

He told me that death would be one of the things,
That would bring the worst pain, so they would need my wings.

My little red wings were made just by him,
To let them feel hope when life would seem dim.

So, now there’s a legend that follows me far and wide,
That when you see me there are others by your side.

Others who have departed this mortal life,
That are on the other side missing you with great strife.

Though their work continues on, beyond the veil,
There is a longing for you as you struggle and travail.

So, they send me to you with my little red wings,
To bring you hope and joy and other things.

Many may say it’s just luck that has me fly by,
But you know it is love and a tender cry.

I know you remember the times I have come,
And you knew exactly who the red bird was from.

Each Christmas season you read to your family my story,
Of when Esse brought me and I shone in great glory.

You remember the times you needed my wings,
When you sat at Monticello and talked eternal things.

You still remember the times you needed me most,
When your little girl was serving on the other coast.

Your prayers sent me to her in the times she might cave,
When she needed the love from those beyond the grave.

And don’t forget the many times you have sat in the garden,
With the tower so tall when life seemed to harden.

So, the legend is true about the little red bird,
That the “Cardinal rule” is for others to be heard.

Those others who cannot be here in a physical way,
But love you still and will send me to say.

Say how they love you with all of their spirit,
And are waiting for you so one day you’ll hear it.

This is part of the plan for us to work on each side,
So that celestially we will meet and in Heaven abide.

M. Estelle E.

I also received an incredibly beautiful painting of a pair of cardinals done by one of my talented seminary students for Christmas. (See the photo at the beginning of this post.) I am so blessed and overwhelmed as all of these things represent such love to me but I am also aware that the Lord is asking me to take this even one step further. The word "cardinal" is to be my focus word for a time. He gives me those on occasion when I need to wake up and have further awareness and this is my new word. It wasn't until I received these powerful gifts and began to study this word that I began to understand what He is trying to offer me. The word cardinal is far more than a bird and I am grateful for the message that the young people in my life have offered me through their gifts of love this holiday season. We are not alone and the powers of light will always find a way to get the message we need across to us if we will only be still and listen. What does the word cardinal mean to you and what words has the universe given to you to ponder and use in your life? I would love to hear from you!

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