This past week has truly been something so far beyond what I can even express. And yet, whether I can express it or not, I find the need to write. In the book that I am currently enjoying the main character says, "This is where I think the writing started. The 'righting,' if you will. The righting of circumstances, the shaping of the world the way it should have been..." What a beautiful description of why I write and journal and why I push journaling so hard with those I teach and those I love. When I "write," I can so often finally see what is "right".
In a training that I attended over the past three days, I presented a mini lecture on Community Stewardship. Because of circumstances, I had very little prep time so I turned to my old familiar standbys, the scriptures, life and a few tried and true philosophers. In that lecture I used the following quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and advancing on Chaos and the Dark." Now I have known and used this quote for years. But this time, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I have been doing all of this grouching about free will and the importance of that in my life and the conflict that I have been feeling because I want my free will, but I also want to know that God is there and that He is in control and that He is aware of me. Well...Mr. Emerson explains to me exactly what I need to do and be in this quote. The spirit let me know, in no uncertain terms, that this was the answer I was seeking. It is time for me to be childlike in my submission to God, which does not mean weakness, but means real strength that will allow me to indeed be a guide and a redeemer and a benefactor. First for myself and then my family and then others, as God sees fit to send them to me.
There was a process this week that brought me to the place where I am tonight (well, this morning). I wish that I had written Saturday night, because Sunday's circumstances today have eroded some of the power that I felt last night, but perhaps I need to write now, in order to make "right" the entire picture, even the negatives of today. Anyway, I had the opporunity for a huge variety of adventures over the course of this week. I lost my boys for a week to scout camp. I lost my girl for a indeterminate amount of time to Florida. I got to attend a large family dinner. I got to see Casey, a cousin, who is just one of the neatest young people I know and I got to talk too much (something that I just seem to do with him...but nobody else of course) and I got to have fun engaging in a fun cause with him and his employer and I even got to introduce him to some of my friends and students. Way cool! I got to spend Friday evening with my angel sister, Darleen. We got to eat terrific Vietnamese food and then walk around Evergreen, the town and the lake, on a gorgeous summer evening. Yes, this was a huge refill of my batteries.
At the end of this week, I had the opportunity to attend a training that would give me a foundation for moving into using math and science more openly and comfortably in my teaching opportunities. Some of you know that math scares me so I was already a bit apprehensive about this training. Then some dark forces went to work and I really had to battle to get my sorry, lazy butt to the training. I had alerted a few folks that I was giving serious consideration to not attending and they went to work on my and I dragged myself to the training. I am embarrassed to admit that I was not an ideal student for this dear woman who came to teach me. I was distracted and distracting often silly and uncooperative. On the final day of the seminar, the dark forces that I felt I was fighting were especially intense and the effort I had to put forth in that battle resulted in a really nasty migraine. But I went down the hill any way. I continued to be ornery and less than helpful in the class and I even took a number of the attendees and ditched out for part of the day to go and see Casey again. But the dear mentor who was teaching just kept working and doing her best (and her best is really something). The seminar ended and I was reminded that I had agreed to spend the evening going to dinner with Misty, our trainer and a few of the attendees. I was pretty certain, by this time, that the last person that Misty wanted around was me and I was still suffering mightily with the headache and I came to the decision to bag out of the evening's activities and head up the mountain. I went into the bathroom for one last time and I got a text alert concerning a comment to a status of mine on Facebook, from a beautiful woman that I once had the opportunity to teach about something that I offered to her in a dream that she had experienced the night before. This was a very old alert, I do not know why it did not come through when she first wrote the comment...or perhaps, I know exactly why it came through when it did. But those words from Kelli softened my heart, very quickly and with that softening, there was an immediate flooding of spirit letting me know that I needed to go with the group out to dinner. So...I argued...for a few minutes...and then I went.
Now dear Misty had every right to not like me and to avoid me and to write me off. She did not. She sat down by me and she engaged in a light and fun conversation that moved in a stunningly quick fashion to a conversation of depth. In the course of this conversation, she came to convey to me that she is another one of my long lost sisters. She understands, truly understands, many of my dilemmas and frustrations and insecurities. And she offered materials and support to bring me comfort and strength and aid. And she offered me something that nobody else has offered me, she offered me time. She gave me permission to take the time that I need to heal and to grow in power and in strength and confidence so that I can truly reach the point where I can be bold and make real change. She let me know that she understands that I am not yet ready to do all of the things that I know I need to do. BUT!!! She affirmed to me that I will be able to do the things that need doing.
Her words, her touch, her looking me in the eye and testifying. was stunning. I am still trying to process it all. Writing this helped in righting this all in my head. Now, I should sleep and continue to work this all out. I am sure that will likely hear from me again soon. I am finding more and more each day that I must, indeed, write to see right.
Nice post, Cynthia. What I took from it is that I need to write more. I also like that you quoted Robert McCammon's 'Boy's Life.' It's that Emerson quote that I am confused by, and I've read it a few times.
ReplyDelete"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string."
While, as a writer myself, I try to trust my instincts, I am reminded of two things here. One is scripture, the other is a movie line. The scripture is from Jeremiah, and I quote it in BROODING: "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"
The movie line is from 'High Fidelity,' where John Cusack's character is bemoaning his failures with women and relationships, and explaining how most everyone says "go with your gut." To which he responds: "I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains."
"Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events."
(You're going to hate this, Cynthia.) I am so SICK of hearing that word Providence. Even if it is divine Providence. And you, Cynthia, have been wont to use this word A LOT lately. I know it infers God, but it sounds so impersonal. One might as well refer to God as The Force. I might as well refer to you as "what's her name." I hope that doesn't sound harsh – I am trying to make a point here. If something is Divinely orchestrated, then it is GOD that designed it, not Providence (that's the capital of Rhode Island), nor Serendipity (which is a very good movie with John Cusack … whom I seem determined to name-drop throughout this entire comment).
"Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being."
Huh? What? I don't get this. Unless he is saying (like Boy's Life infers), that there is something magical in our childlike natures, and that embracing such, and writing from such a place, is powerful. THAT I agree with.
"And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."
Okay, now I am understanding more after breaking this down. But one must seriously question what our hearts are bidding us do, or write, and who, if any outside force, is urging us on. It is NOT always the Divine. Before we presume to be benefactors, or guides, or (shudder) redeemers, one must "test the spirits," or at the very least acknowledge that "the heart IS deceitful above all things, and we can often not understand it."
That "burning in the bosom," that thing inside that you MUST do, or write, or talk about, is NOT always something from God. It could be from the devil, or a unresolved personal conflict, or simply a bit of undercooked potato. But if one goes about their writing with humility and faith, with prayerful guidance and DISCERNMENT, and a determination to cut through all the bullshit (which I often think of like trudging through South American jungle with a machete), one CAN achieve those things to which Emerson refers. However, writing from the gut, or the heart, or depending on Providence (*cough*), is not enough. Prayerfully, passionately, discerningly, and with a NO BULLSHIT policy is the way I try to roll when writing … and God knows I fail often.
I need to write more. Glad to see you are doing so.
Hope I didn't say anything to offend here. I am merely trying to provide food for thought, and correct a couple of things that I believed needed … righting … about writing.
So Girl, Thanks for pointing me here today. What I got from your writing is that you are "righting" things, in your head and also in your actions. I see you acting, doing, like you haven't in a very long time. It is your life and you can make of it what you choose. Truly, you have that power, with God's aid. "Live the life you love, love the life you live." The memory of Friday is still making me smile, and it will for a very long time! Love you!