Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another Disney Day

I got up at 6:30 again. This time I just chose to run, rather than trying the fitness center. Too intimidating! It was a glorious morning. It was already quite warm and the humidity was the highest I had felt, this trip. I loved it! I came back at about 7:30 and nobody was awake. So I soaked in the jacuzzi tub for awhile. Got out and still nobody was up. I loaded the dishwasher, transferred some funds and paid some bills online. Still nobody was up. I read and straightened up the apartment and did my hair. Still nobody was up. Finally, it was time for me to go and meet with the realtor again. I forced the others out of bed and I forced Michayla to go with me to meet with Heike. I got the giggles, AGAIN, on the way to the first property. Michayla and I pulled up to a busy intersection (the Crossroads area, if you know Orlando at all) and there were firemen there passing the boot for their yearly fund raiser. Michayla wanted to contribute so she dug around in her purse until she found a five and then fumbled with the window and waved like mad to get the fireman's attention. He was just approaching the car when the light turned green. I was at the front of a long line of cars and had to go. She panicked. She just started throwing money out the window. She threw 2 fives and some ones. The poor fireman was out in the street, trying to gather up this money. She turned to me with this stricken look and blurted out, "I probably just killed a fireman." I was laughing so hard, I could hardly drive and I almost pulled over. Finally, I gathered myself and simmered down to a mere chuckle and could function again. But I was exhausted all over again. I am beginning to think that I laugh with far too much of my body. Everything gets in the act and it just wears me out. I think that I will probably, even likely, die laughing.

We arrived at the first property and I promptly fell in love with it. I called Karl and told him that he had to come and see it. I forced he and the kids to leave the Hollywood Studios Park and come to the parking area for me to pick them up. I left Michayla with Heike to see the next house and went and got the others. I got only slightly lost trying to maneuver the Studios parking lot, but we finally found each other. Karl was not as excited as me about this property. But he is very open to discussion, so we will continue to talk. So many things to consider in this decision.

We finally got back to the Studios and had a lovely time, despite really high crowd numbers. My favorite attraction, "Prince Caspian, Journey to Narnia". We had never taken the time to see this one before, it is so tucked away and seemed rather dull. But...oh was grand, to me. The others thought it was merely "blah" and one young lady in our group stated that it was "stupid". But for me, it was glorious. They did a nice job of both showing how they produced the movie and its effects and then giving a summary of the movie with a short film set in a reproduced set of Aslan's temple area. It just touched me. We were at the back of the crowd, so the room had nearly emptied when I realized what was sitting at the head of the room. The broken altar was there. Tears immediately welled up. I couldn't help it, these books mean so much to me. I stood for a moment and touched the altar and gathered myself and the cast member and my family were very sweet and understanding. It was the best part of my day. Even makes me kind of grateful for the crowds who caused us to try this attraction.

We ended our day with the Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller Coaster, so the boys were content. I loved Tower of Terror, as usual, but I am getting too old for Rock N Roller Coaster. It kills my head and neck. Karl and the younger ones headed back to the apartment via bus and Michayla and I got the car and stopped at Walgreens for a few items and then headed back as well. Michayla gave me a terrible case of the giggles again because she had to go to the bathroom so badly but she refused to use the public ones at a Walgreen's store. So she was in agony by the time we got back to the room. I seriously thought she was not going to make it up to the fourth floor. Then I was laughing so hard that I seriously that I was not going to make it either. Both of us cut it close.

I have a laughing issue. I snort, I bray, I am far too loud, I laugh with too much of my body, I regularly embarrass my kids and my husband, I even come close to peeing my pants, nobody in my family will come anywhere near me in the store when I am reading greeting cards. But there are worse things....

1 comment:

  1. Well written. I was grinning the whole time. Especially when I saw Michayla throwing money out the window, like bait, to get a fireman run over by the next cars. What a mean, mean girl.
