Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday in the mountains I am seeing what my diet coordinator once told me would happen. Those around you might say that they support you in this change and in other positive changes that you make, but then they sabotage you behind the scenes. I am not certain if it is a conscious thing, but I saw that happen in my life today. Very frustrating.

However, I forged ahead and I did get my exercise in today. It was great! I road my longest ride today. I went alone, because by the time I finally got away, it was really hot. But I truly enjoyed myself. I found that one can do a great deal of praying and pondering on a bike! It was a nice discovery.


  1. I solve all the world's problems, preach wonderful sermons, and sing at the top of my lungs on my lawn tractor. when nobody is home, I do it on my exercise bike.

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