Here are a few of the promised fishing shots. I figured out how to get things from my phone to this blog!! Yeah me!

Here are a few of the promised fishing shots. I figured out how to get things from my phone to this blog!! Yeah me!
Also, I have ridden my mountain bike two days in a row now. Yesterday with Malachi which meant that I had to push and get laughed at and get the tar beat out of me by my son. Dork!! But it also meant a good workout and a very sore rear end.
Today, I allowed Seviah to pick the exercise regime for the day. She also wanted to go biking. What a difference a day makes! This was nice for my sore posterior, but not such a good workout. I will have to supplement it later. As opposed to Malachi and his pushing me, Seviah was looking for a leisurely "stroll" on our bikes. With a seven year old princess, this means much more talking that gear shifting. It also means that you stop along the way to feed the "baby" (yes, a doll) and have a tea party snack in the forest and then MORE TALKING!
But, I loved both experiences and hope to repeat them again soon. So, I have now gone hiking and fishing and biking with Malachi and Seviah, but find that I have spent very little one on one time with the other two chitlins. So...tomorrow I let Kodren choose the exercise. Well, maybe not, the poor tyke is doing four hours a day at All-Stars baseball. Maybe I had better buck up and do my own exercise program tomorrow and just find some time for Kodren. I am totally scared to offer the exercise choice to Michayla. She will make me swim laps. I will die. Maybe, instead of exercising together she and I need a Coldstone break...hmmmm....