Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Compare and contrast and a sorry behind...


Here are a few of the promised fishing shots. I figured out how to get things from my phone to this blog!! Yeah me!
Also, I have ridden my mountain bike two days in a row now. Yesterday with Malachi which meant that I had to push and get laughed at and get the tar beat out of me by my son. Dork!! But it also meant a good workout and a very sore rear end.
Today, I allowed Seviah to pick the exercise regime for the day. She also wanted to go biking. What a difference a day makes! This was nice for my sore posterior, but not such a good workout. I will have to supplement it later. As opposed to Malachi and his pushing me, Seviah was looking for a leisurely "stroll" on our bikes. With a seven year old princess, this means much more talking that gear shifting. It also means that you stop along the way to feed the "baby" (yes, a doll) and have a tea party snack in the forest and then MORE TALKING!
But, I loved both experiences and hope to repeat them again soon. So, I have now gone hiking and fishing and biking with Malachi and Seviah, but find that I have spent very little one on one time with the other two chitlins. So...tomorrow I let Kodren choose the exercise. Well, maybe not, the poor tyke is doing four hours a day at All-Stars baseball. Maybe I had better buck up and do my own exercise program tomorrow and just find some time for Kodren. I am totally scared to offer the exercise choice to Michayla. She will make me swim laps. I will die. Maybe, instead of exercising together she and I need a Coldstone break...hmmmm....

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hike with children

WOOT! My first glimpse of Indian Paintbrush this year. The other photos are of the view from the top of the mountain, a tree that was growing sideways, while its major branches grew straight up and totally fascinated Malachi, and my hiking companions.
Despite the numerous mosquitoes, we had a great time together. We gave up on the picnic idea, much to Seviah's chagrin, because if we stopped moving, the bugs became unbearable, especially for poor Malachi.
I do not mind "exercising" if it means being with my kids and so I will have to take this approach more often. Because I am struggling to see the purpose for exercising for exercise sake. Seems stupid and pointless and a waste of time. But if it means being with someone I love, I can get on board. In case you couldn't tell, I am in a mood, of late. Even more ornery where food is concerned. I just eat what I want, so there. Is it really suicide, if one eats oneself to death? Sounds like a perfect plan!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I do not know how to begin to blog

Here I am. I yell at my students constantly to write and to journal and to record. And I do not have a blasted thing to say here.

I did go fishing today with Malachi and Seviah. It was great! I mean, not the fishing part, Seviah lost interest in that pretty quickly, but the sitting on the rock by the river was fantastic. I will try to post one of the great photos that Seviah took. But no promises, this is hard!!